More than anything, Christmas time is about family time and making memories with those you love. Aside from the hot chocolate and delicious foods, the twinkling lights can bring so much happiness and warmth during the bitterly icy season. There are a few spots throughout the Valley, where you may drive by and enjoy the Christmas cheer that locals are spreading with their decorations. One, in particular, goes so far as to host a radio station (95.5 FM) every night, so you may listen in your car to the holiday songs that sync up with their lights. This must-see show is the McNett Christmas Light Show in Selah.

This family-produced light show has been a tradition for the McNett family since 2008 and has been enjoyed by so many families throughout the years. RJ McNett helps create the magic behind the synced lights and music. He and his father, Ryan McNett, have been putting the show on for their community solely for the purpose of giving back to their Selah neighbors or anyone who wishes to enjoy the lights.
It is for this reason that they do not accept nor need donations to put on the show. They simply ask that if you are feeling generous during the holiday season, that you donate to the American Cancer Society, you may do so by clicking the link. Unfortunately, cancer has stricken the family throughout the years, which is why they want to show their support to the A.C.S.

The idea and inspiration behind the production came from Ryan, who, as a kid, would put up lights with his father and grandfather and dreamed of owning his own home to decorate for the holidays. When he first began, it wasn’t as simple as programming a computer to make a beautiful production. He, with the help of his family, would run cables across yards to plug in all the lights. Unfortunately, a loss struck the family before the first big light show in 2008, but the family did what they could to make the show go on. “My younger siblings used to say they wanted [their grandfather] to see it from heaven,” said RJ. “So he was and is always our biggest inspiration in doing this.”
Hosting the radio station was something they started doing 13 years ago so that they wouldn’t disturb the neighbors with loud music. Ryan researched and found 95.5 FM, a local unused radio frequency, and learned, according to RJ, “how to use the computer, stereo, and transmitter in order to send it out.” People can enjoy the show from the comfort of their own cars instead of having to stand out in the cold.

The McNett family wishes to express, “We just hope everyone enjoys it and we love giving the community something to be excited about for the holidays.”
If you are looking for a family fun activity, be sure to check out McNett Christmas Light Show at 1605 Selah Loop Road. At the start, you will hear Ryan McNett give his yearly message and holiday greetings. This just might be that new family tradition you are looking for. Their holiday light show can be enjoyed every night this year until after New Year. The light show runs weekdays from 5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., weekends from 5:30 p.m. to 10 p.m., and Christmas Eve and Christmas Day from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. Enjoy the show.