Submitted by Yakima Elks Lodge #318

As local students prepare to return to classes soon, Yakima Elks Lodge #318 is hosting their 4th Annual School Supply Distribution on Sunday, August 29. The volunteer Elks will be giving away school supplies to anyone in need. The event starts at 12:30 p.m. and ends when all the supplies are gone.

Yakima Elks
Photo courtesy: Yakima Elks Lodge #318

With about 300 kids served each year, the Elks supply free backpacks (if needed) as well as the school supplies to get kids ready to go back to school.

The Elks ask that the child be present and bring their school supply list if they have it. If not, one will be provided.


Yakima Elks Lodge #318
318 Golf Course Loop Rd.
(Next to River Ridge GC)